Finally end my exam le~! Yippe + Yuppie! Haha.. Now I just need to wait patiently for the results.. Oops! I should say enjoy this 5 weeks before result come out and be sad again.. haha.. pessimistic but quite true coz not very confident in my last paper. But anyway, I'm exam free!!! WooYoo! I have been in hyper mood since last night lor. Or should I say I am already in my Holiday moon since the 2nd last paper. :x



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Something shuting show me and i think the duet very nice.. the show like not bad too..


after exam, chiong drama!!!!

燕子 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

  • Nov 07 Sat 2009 21:43


可能是考试的关系;可能是读书,读得有一些“显”。 我也不知道。 总之,一个字,“累”!

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在我最后一次 闭上眼睛之前

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