

Haha... As Huihoon's wedding getting closer, the more excited I am.

Of course, Huihoon is more excited and busy.. So why am I so excited?

Excited ~

i. Gate Crashing! Time to make fun of the groom and brothers

ii. My 3rd time being the "sister" and the fact that I so happy for Huihoon

iii. Meeting up with the sisters. Time to make new friends.

iv. The 1st vegetarian banquet I will have

v. It can also consider a meet up session with my ex colleagues.


For (i) & (iii)

We had a list of suggestion here already.

1. Folding of paper hearts ( very simple and instruction given) and fill them up in a small jar

2. Don't forget the lyrics" We shall come up with 3 love songs ( 1 old chinese song, 1 engllish song and 1 optional love song). The brothers/groom will need to continue the song.

(Stage 1 and 2 can do at the same time)

3. Draft one contract for the groom to say out to the bride, sign it and seal it with a kiss (red lip stick) and frame it up.

4. Guess the room! There are 3 rooms in her house.. So the groom have to guess which room she is in. Maybe can freeze 2 keys in 2 ice .. ask them to lick the ice until it melts, and guess which is the right key to open the door. If not both keys are fake one...

5. 酸甜苦辣 this one cannot be left out too (still thinking how to fit it)

6. All e brothers and groom to climb the staircase up instead of taking the lift. Before they start climbing, each one will be entitled to one balloon. They are supposed to blow it on their way up. Any balloon burst, there will be penalty (Maybe in the balloons can put tiny paper with notes written on it). After blowing, they are supposed to find ways and means to burst the balloon.

Sad to say, we only got half an hour to play so must filter some...

For (ii)

Huihoon can consider one of my mentors back in DHA days. When I was there, I was in R&D. Huihoon was the one in R&D before she went to mirco lab. So all my knowledge was from her. Not to mention later part when I was attached to micro lab for training, she taught me a lot as well. So I was so happy for her and the fact that she asked me to be one of her "sisters".

For (iv)

Needless to mention, Huihoon is one of my few friends who is a vegetarian. So this is my 1st vegetarian wedding banquet.

For (v)

Haha.. A meet up finally with all the ex colleagues! Been a long long time since I last met them ( not to mention chuchu, yarsin and yufang la.. every couple of months we will meet de). I wonder how everyone is... hee..

Lastly, this is the contract that I drafted. Actual contract has 10 commandments so we all think it is too lengthy. So I cut short to 3 with the most important "travel issue" in it.. Whahaha... The groom MUST seal it with a kiss!




Enjoy everyone!



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